摘 要: 碳关税是美、欧等发达国家借环境保护之名对发展中国家实行的贸易歧视和新型贸易壁垒。我国属于碳排放密集型产品出口国,仍以高碳产业和高碳商品的出口为主。碳关税虽然在一定程度上具有推进我国低碳经济发展的作用,但会对我国出口贸易产生极为严重的影响。本文结合我国的出口国别结构、贸易形式和产品结构,深入分析了碳关税对我国出口贸易的影响,并有针对性地提出了应对对策,以期起到一定的借鉴作用。
关 键 词:碳关税;出口贸易;影响;对策
项目资助 :对外经济贸易大学研究生科研创新项目(编号A201005001、编号201315)
Analysis on the Impacts and Suggestions of Carbon Tariffs on China’s Export Trade
Abstract: Carbon tariffs, in the name of environmental protection, are trade discrimination and new trade barriers from the United States, Europe and other developed countries to developing countries. China is carbon-intensive products exporting country, exporting high-carbon goods. Although they play a role in promoting low-carbon economic development in China, Carbon tariffs would have very serious impacts on China's export trade. This thesis draws out targeted suggestions after the in-depth analysis of the impacts of carbon tariffs on China's export trade, on the basis of China's export national structure, trade forms and product structure, in order to play a certain reference.
Key words: Carbon Tariff; Export Trade; Impacts; suggestions.